It’s hard to imagine, but this web site just celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was the fall of 1995 in a college dorm when this site was born, and since then this site has grown more than anyone could have ever hoped. A number of you have been generous over the years, donating pictures, videos, audio clips, time, and even money to help keep this site alive. For that, I’m most grateful. We’ve even had celebrities (also known as the hard working folks who made many a Whalers broadcast possible) grace these pages and provide materials for all to enjoy.
The site just underwent another update, with the most visible change being the top navigation menu and banner image. A number of backend changes were also made, which will make it much easier to add the collection of pictures we’ve had in the queue for some time.
We hope you’ll continue to check in… and if you are in the market for Whalers merchandise, please visit our Hartford Whalers Gift Shop. A portion of the proceeds from items sold helps pay our hosting fees.