All posts by Pucky Bonanza

April 11, 1975.

Today is the 36th anniversary of the famous record-setting fight between the Whalers and the Saints of the WHA. To celebrate, we’ve (finally) posted the extended audio version which until now had only been available on the “Whalers… Score!” LP from the late 70’s. This version adds over 2 minutes of play-by-play action! Go take a listen!

We have also added a video retrospective on the fight that FSN put together a few years ago. While no video is known to exist of the actual fight, the FSN reel has some interesting interviews.

See more Whalers vs. Saints…

Whale Bowl

Whale Bowl 2011 is in the books and by most accounts, it was a great success. Despite frigid temperatures, fans tailgated in the parking lot and cheered from the stands. Hopefully fans continue to show their support for Hartford hockey and prove once and for all to the NHL that Hartford is hockey country.

Check out these highlights from Whale Bowl:

Site Updates

It’s hard to imagine, but this web site just celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was the fall of 1995 in a college dorm when this site was born, and since then this site has grown more than anyone could have ever hoped. A number of you have been generous over the years, donating pictures, videos, audio clips, time, and even money to help keep this site alive. For that, I’m most grateful. We’ve even had celebrities (also known as the hard working folks who made many a Whalers broadcast possible) grace these pages and provide materials for all to enjoy.

The site just underwent another update, with the most visible change being the top navigation menu and banner image. A number of backend changes were also made, which will make it much easier to add the collection of pictures we’ve had in the queue for some time.

We hope you’ll continue to check in… and if you are in the market for Whalers merchandise, please visit our Hartford Whalers Gift Shop. A portion of the proceeds from items sold helps pay our hosting fees.

New Content Added

It has been some time, but thanks to contributions from some fans out there, we’ve got a bunch of new content to add to the site throughout the year.

First, we’ve added a new page called A Season to Celebrate. The page currently hosts a “One Goal Away”, a video tribute done by SportsChannel regarding the Whalers’ Adams Division Championship season. Also on that page is a great 25 minute audio piece about the Whalers’ championship season. Check them out!

Two small audio clips have also been added. A copy of Brass Bonanza from NHL ’94 can be found on our Brass Bonanza page. The famous Whale clip from Mall Rats can now be found on our Ladies and Gentlemen… page. Enjoy!

Hartford Whalers Gift Shop

Today we opened the initial version of the Hartford Whalers Gift Shop. Currently listed are a number of select Hartford Whalers items ranging from t-shirts and sweatshirts to books and hats. A portion of every purchase helps directly defray the hosting costs for this site, so please take a moment to show your Whalers spirit!

You can visit the store directly by going to:

Whalers (jersey) at the Olympics

Did you see it? Just after time expired in the 3rd period of the US vs. Canada Olympic gold medal game, a guy in a green and white Whalers jersey jumped up from his seat. Among the sea of Canada red, his green jersey stuck out like a sore thumb. Go ahead, play “Where’s Whalers” in the picture below:

Not good at “Where’s Whalers” or give up? Check out a zoomed-in version of the picture. 🙂 Hint: He’s just below the green Olympic rings on the right side.

And to all those die hard fans out there, don’t worry… We’ve got some more updates coming to the site later this year – we promise! We’d also like to thank those who have made donations and made it possible for us to continue with the site.